In the past couple of weeks, I have been working with with the Covid19 tracking data from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering . As I have also been learning R Shiny, I put together a dashboard of my own as a learning exercise. The dashboard can by found at the link above, and the code for the shiny dashboard is below.
## Covid tracking dashboard using shiny and leaflet
## Data is pulled directly from the
## Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering github
## Author: Tyler Jubenville
library ( tidyverse ) ## Can you use R without it/.
library ( RCurl ) ## Used to import the data from github
library ( stringr ) ## Used for some minor string matching
library ( lubridate ) ## Used for dealing with dates
library ( leaflet ) ## Used for mapping
library ( shiny ) ## Creates interactive dashboard
library ( shinythemes ) ## Makes Dashboard pretty
retrieve_covid_data <- function (){
## Retrieve all of the time series data from
## Retrieve Confirmed Cases
x <- getURL ( "" )
confirmed_cases_csse <- read.csv ( text = x )
## Retrieve Confirmed Deaths
x <- getURL ( "" )
confirmed_deaths_csse <- read.csv ( text = x )
## Retreive Recovered Case Data
x <- getURL ( "" )
confirmed_recovered_csse <- read.csv ( text = x )
## Convert wide to long (Praise Hadley) and convert date to lubridate
confirmed_cases_csse_gather <- confirmed_cases_csse %>%
pivot_longer ( - c ( Province.State , Country.Region , Lat , Long ),
names_to = "Date" , values_to = "Confirmed.Cases" ) %>%
mutate ( cast_date = mdy ( str_replace ( Date , "X" , "" ))) %>% select ( - Date )
## Convert wide to long (Praise Hadley) and convert date to lubridate
confirmed_deaths_csse_gather <- confirmed_deaths_csse %>%
pivot_longer ( - c ( Province.State , Country.Region , Lat , Long ),
names_to = "Date" , values_to = "Confirmed.Deaths" ) %>%
mutate ( cast_date = mdy ( str_replace ( Date , "X" , "" ))) %>% select ( - Date )
## Convert wide to long (Praise Hadley) and convert date to lubridate
confirmed_recovered_csse_gather <- confirmed_recovered_csse %>%
pivot_longer ( - c ( Province.State , Country.Region , Lat , Long ),
names_to = "Date" , values_to = "Recovered.Cases" ) %>%
mutate ( cast_date = mdy ( str_replace ( Date , "X" , "" ))) %>% select ( - Date )
## Join all data together and removes 0 rows for confirmed cases
csse_complete <- left_join ( confirmed_cases_csse_gather ,
confirmed_deaths_csse_gather ,
by = c ( 'Province.State' , 'Country.Region' ,
'Lat' , 'Long' , 'cast_date' )) %>%
left_join ( confirmed_recovered_csse_gather , by = c ( 'Province.State' , 'Country.Region' ,
'Lat' , 'Long' , 'cast_date' )) %>%
filter ( Confirmed.Cases > 0 )
## Create Character Variables for marker output later
csse_complete <- csse_complete %>%
mutate ( Confirmed.Cases.Text = paste0 ( "Confirmed Cases: " , Confirmed.Cases ),
Confirmed.Deaths.Text = paste0 ( "Confirmed Deaths: " , Confirmed.Deaths ),
Recovered.Cases.Text = paste0 ( "Recovered Cases: " , Recovered.Cases ))
return ( csse_complete )
top_n_countries <- function ( data , n ){
## Retreive top 10 countries for covid19 cases from csse data
top_n <- data %>%
group_by ( Country.Region ) %>%
summarize ( max_cases = max ( Confirmed.Cases )) %>%
arrange ( desc ( max_cases )) %>% head ( n ) %>%
pull ( Country.Region )
return ( top_n )
calculate_cum <- function ( data , field ){
## Calculate cumulative cases for plot
output <- data %>% filter ( field > 0 ) %>%
mutate ( date_char = as.character ( cast_date )) %>%
group_by ( Country.Region , date_char ) %>%
summarise ( cum_cases = sum ( get ( field ))) %>%
mutate ( cast_date = ymd ( date_char ))
return ( output )
## Define UI for dashboard
ui <- fluidPage (
## Set theme
theme = shinytheme ( "darkly" ),
## Application title
titlePanel ( "Covid19 Tracking Dashboard" ),
## Sidebar definition
sidebarLayout (
## Sidebar Panel definition
sidebarPanel (
## Slider to select date
uiOutput ( "date_slider" ),
## Selector for graph type
selectInput ( "case_type" ,
"Select Visual" ,
c ( "Confirmed Cases" ,
"Confirmed Deaths" ,
"Recovered Cases" ),
"Confirmed Cases" ),
## Country Selector for cumulative plot
uiOutput ( "country_selector" )
# Main Panel definition
mainPanel (
## Output leaflet plot
leafletOutput ( "distPlot" ),
## Output reference to data
uiOutput ( "reference" ),
## Output interactive graph
plotOutput ( "cumulative_graph" )
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function ( input , output ) {
## Call function to retrieve data on startup
csse_data <- retrieve_covid_data ()
## Define Date Slider
output $ date_slider <- renderUI ({
sliderInput ( "date" ,
"Date:" ,
min = ymd ( min ( csse_data $ cast_date )),
max = ymd ( max ( csse_data $ cast_date )),
value = ymd ( max ( csse_data $ cast_date ))
## Define country selector based on countries with top 10 cases
output $ country_selector <- renderUI ({
checkboxGroupInput ( "countries" ,
"Cases Plot Countries:" ,
choices = top_n_countries ( csse_data , 10 ),
selected = top_n_countries ( csse_data , 3 ))
## Define leaflet plot. Only include Tiles
## Other components will be added later.
output $ distPlot <- renderLeaflet ({
leaflet () %>% addTiles () %>%
setView ( lng = 0 , lat = 0 , zoom = 1 )
## Observe Event to redraw circles on leaflet whenever case_type changes
observeEvent ( input $ case_type , {
## Draw circles for Confirmed Cases
if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Cases" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date )),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Confirmed.Cases ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Confirmed.Cases.Text ),
color = '#7570b3' )
## Draw circles for Confirmed Deaths
else if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Deaths" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date )),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Confirmed.Deaths ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Confirmed.Deaths.Text ),
color = '#d95f02' )
## Draw circles for Recovered Cases
else if ( input $ case_type == "Recovered Cases" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date )),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Recovered.Cases ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Recovered.Cases.Text ),
color = '#1b9e77' )
## ingoreInit to prevent launch errors
}, ignoreInit = TRUE )
observeEvent ( input $ date , {
## Draw circles for Confirmed Cases
if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Cases" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date )),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Confirmed.Cases ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Confirmed.Cases.Text ),
color = '#7570b3' )
## Draw circles for Confirmed Deaths
else if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Deaths" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date ), Confirmed.Deaths > 0 ),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Confirmed.Deaths ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Confirmed.Deaths.Text ),
color = '#d95f02' )
## Draw circles for Recovered Cases
else if ( input $ case_type == "Recovered Cases" ){
leafletProxy ( "distPlot" ) %>%
clearShapes () %>%
addCircles ( data = filter ( csse_data , cast_date == ymd ( input $ date ), Recovered.Cases > 0 ),
lng = ~ Long , lat = ~ Lat ,
radius = ~ sqrt ( Recovered.Cases ) * 3000 ,
label = ~ htmltools :: htmlEscape ( Recovered.Cases.Text ),
color = '#1b9e77' )
## ingoreInit to prevent launch errors
}, ignoreInit = TRUE )
## Define Cumulative Cases Graph
output $ cumulative_graph <- renderPlot ({
if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Cases" ){
## Filter by selectee countries and date.
## Plot simple line and point plots
calculate_cum ( filter ( csse_data , Country.Region %in% input $ countries ,
cast_date <= ymd ( input $ date )), "Confirmed.Cases" ) %>%
ggplot ( aes ( cast_date , cum_cases , col = Country.Region )) +
geom_line () + geom_point () +
labs ( x = "Date" , y = "Cumulative Confirmed Cases" ,
title = "Cumulative Cases by Country" , color = "Country" ) +
theme_bw ()
else if ( input $ case_type == "Confirmed Deaths" ){
## Filter by selectee countries and date.
## Plot simple line and point plots
calculate_cum ( filter ( csse_data , Country.Region %in% input $ countries ,
cast_date <= ymd ( input $ date )), "Confirmed.Deaths" ) %>%
ggplot ( aes ( cast_date , cum_cases , col = Country.Region )) +
geom_line () + geom_point () +
labs ( x = "Date" , y = "Cumulative Deaths" ,
title = "Cumulative Deaths by Country" , color = "Country" ) +
theme_bw ()
else if ( input $ case_type == "Recovered Cases" ){
## Filter by selectee countries and date.
## Plot simple line and point plots
calculate_cum ( filter ( csse_data , Country.Region %in% input $ countries ,
cast_date <= ymd ( input $ date )), "Recovered.Cases" ) %>%
ggplot ( aes ( cast_date , cum_cases , col = Country.Region )) +
geom_line () + geom_point () +
labs ( x = "Date" , y = "Cumulative Recovered Cases" ,
title = "Cumulative Recovered Cases by Country" , color = "Country" ) +
theme_bw ()
## Define Data Source reference
url <- a ( "Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering" , href = "" )
output $ reference <- renderUI ({
tagList ( "Data Source:" , url )
# Run the application
shinyApp ( ui = ui , server = server )